Important Parent Information from Lowell

Now that we have all returned from Outdoor Experience, I want to highlight some  information that you will find useful as we open the school year.  In the body of this letter, I have reviewed upcoming events.  In the information sheet that follows, I have summarized some important procedures and expectations.  Pay particular attention to your role with attendance.  Parental attention to the attendance procedure helps to ensure that our system is both accurate and efficient, which is essential to a school.  As the year goes on, information will be provided to you on the website and in the Waynflete Weekly.  除了, I am writing to highlight information that you will find useful as we open the school year.
开放的房子 for the Middle and 上学校s will be held on the evening of Wednesday, September 25, running from 6:30 to 9:00.  This program is an important opportunity for parents to meet teachers and advisors and to learn more about the academic and advising programs.  By now you should have received a mailing on this event.
T在这里 is no school on Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 15.  Seniors who do not have athletic obligations may wish to take this opportunity for college visits.
Calendar Reminder
As you make your plans for December break, remember that exams run through Friday, December 20.  In the event of bad weather, exams may be rescheduled to run as 晚些时候 as 3:00 that day or 晚些时候r for extended time exams.  Please make your plans accordingly.
I had a great time with the ninth grade on Outdoor Experience, which fuels my excitement for the new year.  I look forward to seeing you all at 开放的房子.  Remember to review the enclosed handout carefully.  Call your child’s advisor, 丽迪雅 Maier (Dean of Students), Cathie Connors (上学校 Assistant), or me with any questions.

Highlights of Important Procedures in the 上学校
Parent/School Communication: Strong communication with families is fundamentally important to the School.  For matters pertaining to your child’s program, contact 的顾问 first.  The advisor will facilitate additional communication as needed.  For more general matters, contact Cathie Connors in the 上学校 Office at ext. 1233.
Arrival at school:  首页room begins at 8:00.  All upper school students, except seniors with privileges, must report to homeroom by 8:05.  Seniors with privileges and first period free are due by 9:05.  Students arriving 晚些时候 must sign-in in the 上学校 Office before going to class.
出席人数: When a student will be absent, 晚些时候, or excused early, the parent calls the School or the student brings a note to the 上学校 Office 在8点之前.  If a student will be absent for an anticipated reason, s/he completes an Excused Absence Form and submits it to Cathie Connors.  Students missing school for a religious holiday should be called in absent, but they do not need to complete excused absence forms.
上学日: Once students arrive at school, they are expected to remain on campus.  The bus is considered campus.  Seniors with privileges may leave during free time by signing out in the 上学校 Office.   Other students may leave only to attend a school function or with permission from Lowell, 丽迪雅, 或者凯蒂.
The End of the School Day: Seniors with privileges may sign-out after their last obligation, even before the end of the academic day if they do not have an after school activity.  Other students must stay on campus at least through the academic day, even with last period free.  The duration of after school activities varies depending on the activity, the day of the week, 还有季节.  Please contact the faculty person supervising the activity for a schedule.  Students in a sport or play may have a time gap between the end of the academic day and the beginning of a rehearsal, 练习还是游戏.  Such students may leave campus and return for the rehearsal, 实践, 或游戏, unless their parents request in writing that they remain on campus.  Students with an I.A.P or who have completed their sport for the season may leave school at the beginning of the gym block on Tuesday and Friday, unless their parents request in writing that they stay on campus.
Student Messages: It is best to make arrangements for the day before school starts.  If you must contact your child through the School Office, call early so the message can be posted on the Message Board.  If you communicate by cell phone, remember that students may only check for messages during free time as otherwise they are asked to keep their phones off.  Please refrain from calling or texting your child during class time.
推动政策: If your child is in 10th 等级或以上, you should have already have completed the US Student and Vehicle Registration Form mailed this summer and linked 在这里whether or not your child will drive to school this year.  Update it as needed throughout the year.  Students must park as designated in the Handbook.  Students are not allowed, except with permission from the School or if they are seniors, to ride with or transport other students during the school day.   Students are allowed to transport each other to sports 实践s unless their parents have stated otherwise in writing to athletic director Ross Burdick.

Expectations for Behavior & Consequences for Misbehavior in the 上学校

Philosophical Assumptions: Waynflete’s approach to setting expectations for behavior and responding when expectations are not met follows from the belief expressed in the School Mission that responsible, 有爱心的, and contributing behavior “is most effectively encouraged in our students by according them trust and respect.”
Expectations for Behavior: Daily life at Waynflete is guided by the assumption that all members of the community will treat each other with mutual trust and respect.  Students are expected to behave respectfully and appropriately, attend school and class on time, and ad在这里 to campus boundaries.  In the event that a student does not meet such basic expectations, the School responds with a problem-solving intervention.  一些行为, 然而, are so incompatible with fundamental community values that corrective strategies may not be appropriate.  In such an event, the offending student may be suspended, expelled, or placed on probation.   Such behaviors include but are not limited to:
  • Physical or verbal harassment
  • Possession of weapons
  • Acts or threats of violence
  • 使用, 占有, or distribution of alcohol or other drugs at school, during school events, or on school property
  • Stealing or intentional destruction of property
  • Academic dishonesty
  • Violation of probationary conditions
  • Repeated violations of basic expectations

Consequences for Misbehavior: The following outlines the School’s typical responses to misbehavior:
Violation of a Basic Expectation:
If a student vio晚些时候s a basic expectation, the faculty most closely involved engage in a problem solving process with the student to ensure that the behavior is not repeated.  Logical consequences are assigned as needed.  The plan and consequences are communicated as needed.  Parents may  or may not be involved in this process.
Violation of a Major Expectation:
If a student vio晚些时候s a major expectation, the first step is usually for the student to be suspended from school until a meeting can be arranged to include the student, 的顾问, the student’s parents, the 上学校 Director, and the Head of School.  The purpose of the meeting is to determine whether or not the student will be allowed to continue at Waynflete and, 如果是这样的话, under what conditions.  That decision is made at the sole discretion of the Head.  If a student is allowed to stay, s/he is placed on probation and the conditions of probation are spelled out in writing.
207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | 方向 | 我Waynflete