
I stood on a rock at the outlet of Lower Jo Mary Lake, 看着利亚·格拉姆斯和克洛伊·威廉姆斯在最后一段出水口奋力划着独木舟. bet365官网六艘船中的三艘已经在我身后安全停泊,利亚和克洛伊也快到了. So far it had been relatively easy, 很明显,他们很享受这个挑战——用手引导他们的船逆水而行,这条水流从下乔流回bet365官网来的地方——佩马杜姆库克湖.

但莉娅和克洛伊似乎在寻找更多的冒险,而不仅仅是呆在小溪边,让油漆工引导小船逆流而上. So, in the last section, they had waded out into the deeper water, where the current had grabbed their boat and turned it sideways. 他们站在那里,一动不动,努力不让自己被冲到下游. 每个人的脸上都带着兴奋和不确定的表情, 利亚从上游抓着船头,克洛伊从下游抓着船尾. bet365官网向他们呼喊指示,但他们听不见,因为水从他们身边流过. After a few moments of uncertainty, 他们设法克服了水流的力量,把船调整到与水流一致的方向,然后把他们的船引导到浅水区,来到我和他们的同伴们等待的地方.

As their faces relaxed in triumph, 我越过他们,看到詹姆斯·尤哈罗恩和塞西莉亚·帕西洛正在用油漆工操纵独木舟逆流而上. 詹姆斯抓住了船头索,斜靠在船上,用自己的体重托住了它. Just then, much to James’s surprise, Cecilia let go for a moment, and James toppled backwards into the stream. While keeping the canoe from slipping away, he pulled himself back up, flashing a big smile, 他和塞西莉亚沿着小河逆流而上,没有再发生什么意外.

回到独木舟上,bet365官网划了一小段路到附近的一个岛上,然后靠边吃午饭. Over more cheese, peanut butter and jelly, salami, carrots, and hummus than we would ever eat at school, 他们热情地讲述着每只独木舟逆流而上的故事, some concurrently. Although they had all just made the exact same journey, 每个人都讲述了他或她对这段经历的独特看法. They all agreed that it had been a highlight of the trip, 而经历过最具挑战性的逆流之旅的两对企鹅则成为了最强烈的支持者,他们要求回到下游再来一次.

划独木舟只是我户外体验之旅的一部分, 韦恩弗莱特学院的毕业生杰森·钱德勒和我有幸带领了10个兴致勃勃的人, fun-loving, 还有非常善良的11年级学生,他们从佩诺布斯考特河西支流的死水出发,顺流而下,穿过四个湖泊. We ran some light rapids. bet365官网把独木舟绕着Debsconeag和Passamagamet瀑布划,在温柔的雨滴中划桨,雨滴在平静的湖面上翩翩起舞. We told stories and meditated by the lakeside at night, bet365官网在海滩上露营,观看了远处持续了近一个小时的闪电表演. bet365官网深入探索了第一德布斯科尼格湖(First Debsconeag Lake)上方的冰洞,然后在华氏85度的高温下,从湖边的巨石上跳入了清爽的湖水中.

bet365官网的独木舟探险之旅从露营开始, 在佩诺布斯科特河的最后几英里划桨进入安巴杰尤斯湖, and stopping off at the Ambajejus Boom House. There we had the pleasure of talking with Chuck Harris, 他在20世纪60年代末从艺术学校辍学,从宾夕法尼亚来到北方从事伐木工作. When the river drives stopped in the early ‘70s, the workers all left except Chuck, who stayed and has lived in the foreman’s cabin ever since, 他把自己的一生都奉献给了保存这些驱动器的记忆,他把Ambajejus Boom House变成了一个迷人的伐木工博物馆,并走遍了缅因州的偏远地区,尽可能多地粉刷了他能触及的旧Boom House. 查克带bet365官网参观了博物馆和他的小屋,他还拿出吉他弹了起来.

事实证明,没有什么比早上的蓝调吉他即兴演奏更能让你在一天的剩余时间里充满活力了. bet365官网把查克和boom house抛在身后,划了12英里,穿过了三个湖泊,学生们唱起了《bet365官网》和许多其他音乐剧中的歌曲. We arrived at our destination in the late afternoon. 在暴风雨把bet365官网赶回帐篷之前,bet365官网享受了熊熊燃烧的篝火,吃了饭,打扫了卫生. There, accompanied by the falling rain and howling wind, 塞西莉亚讲了一个令人难忘的鬼故事,当bet365官网听到她从帐篷里发出的空洞的声音时,这个故事变得更加令人难以忘怀.

You see, when we open the school year with outdoor experience trips, as we have for longer than anyone can seem to remember, we hope for beautiful views, adventurous exploration, the formation of new friendships, the deepening of existing connections, resiliency in the face of appropriate challenge, and a lot of fun. 在这次旅行中,所有这些都发生了,而在bet365官网相处的四天里,更多的事情发生了. While our tents were wet on Friday morning, 当bet365官网划过最后一段水域,迎接将载bet365官网回家的公共汽车时,bet365官网的精神丝毫没有消沉.

bet365官网登上巴士时,车上坐满了刚从第四Debsconeag湖的Chewonki荒野营地体验回来的九年级学生, we were treated to one last entertainment. 装备都放在车上,大部分划艇运动员都在车上, Upper School Director Lowell Libby, who had been with the ninth grade, stooped over to pick up a single boot that had been left aside. When he asked whose it was, Jonas Maines, one boot on and one boot off, 他从树林里冲了出来,向洛厄尔生动地讲述了他被冰洞强盗捕获和悲惨逃生的故事. As I watched Lowell laughing as he filmed Jonas telling his tale, 我想不出更好的方式来度过bet365官网开学的第一周.

他的下一场演出将在富兰克林剧院上演,在韦恩弗莱特的亚瑟·米勒经典作品中饰演黑尔牧师, The Crucible, which runs Thursday through Saturday, November 7, 8, and 9.

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